A comprehensive guide to maintaining Kentucy Blue Grass sod in Southern Ontario.
Water Your Sod
Newly installed sod should be watered every day for the first 2 weeks only take a break on day 6 for 48 hours to mow the lawn. The first 2 weeks after sod is installed is known as the establishing period. If the establishing period falls during the warmer months, the sod may need to be watered multiple times a day. One should target to get 1 inch of water over the lawn for the first 3 days of the establishing period followed by 1/2 inch for the remainder. After the establishing period is complete sod should be watered 1/2 inch every second day. Watering should be adjusted based on rainfall. If mushrooms start to appear, it is a sign of over-watering.
Mow Your Sod
During the establishing period, sod should be mowed on day 7 after not being watered for 48 hours. If the lawn is wet during mowing, it can cause indents and result in an uneven lawn. Sod should be watered immediately after mowing. Once the establishing period is complete, sod should be mowed every 3-7 days never cutting off more than 1/3 of the leaf. This is usually around 2.5-2.75 inches or the second-highest setting on most lawnmowers. Higher mowing frequencies will result in a better-quality lawn.
Observe Your Sod For Drying or Yellowing
Sod should be inspected for yellowing or drying. Inspecting your sod is a proactive way to make sure your lawn is healthy before any issues arise and it's too far gone to repair. Inspecting your lawn can indicate if it is being over/under-watered, not being mowed enough, or has too much foot traffic.
Annual Sod Maintenance
Apply 8 lbs of 16-16-16 fertilizer with 50% slow-release nitrogen for every 1000 sqft at the start of spring. Apply another 8lbs of 16-16-16 fertilizer for every 1000 sqft at the end of spring before temperatures get too high and begin to stress the sod. The same process should be repeated in early and late fall. Any areas with high foot traffic should be top-dressed with a mechanical top dresser using sand compost mix ensuring each gets between 3-5mm of the top dress mix.